Visit to the mothership

August 11th, 2006
Filed under: General, Mac OS X | Huibert @ 3:23 am

Tonight Apple invited all the WWDC attendees to their headquarters in Cupertino. We had dinner in the central garden while listening to electronic music played by a quite decent DJ. During the event, many Apple engineers were available to answer any questions we may still have. The truth is that the answers I got from Apple engineers during the labs as well as during this party totally justified my trip to San Francisco. I may have to start saving for next year’s event. I hope to see you there!

One Response to “Visit to the mothership”

  1. » Blog Archive » Jens Says:

    […] Apple had organized a party on their campus and during the event attendants had the opportunity to talk to Apple engineers. I had heard about the Pub-Sub API and wanted to learn more. The API allows developers to easily […]