Hits and misses

January 18th, 2008
Filed under: Apple, General, Mac OS X, Macintosh | Huibert @ 9:32 pm

Last week I posted my predictions for MacWorld. How did I do? Well, not too bad. I actually nailed the AppleTV announcement, I was just slightly too optimistic regarding the price cut. Although Apple did not release the final 10.5.2 they released a new developer build that seems to be a week or two away from final release, and therefore I believe that I deserve some credits for that prediction too. Unfortunately, my remaining four predictions did not materialize. Apple did not release a 16GB iphone, there was a new iTunes release but it wasn’t version 8.0 nor contained the features that I expected. Finally, my dreams for a new portable Internet device did not materialize. All in all, I was quite happy to at least have predicted Apple’s new take on the Apple TV. It shows that Steve Jobs and company are not super human and that their moves can actually be predicted.

What I did not see coming was the MacBook Air. It seems like a gorgeous device, but it is not for me. Sure, I need a light computer for presentations and enhanced mobility, but the lack of 3G connectivity is a show stopper. I am currently using a Sprint PCS express card on my MacBook Pro and I am not ready to give up the convenience of being connected everywhere. I do not believe that the MacBook Air will be a failure. In order to maintain exponential growth in the laptop market Apple needed a new model to captivate a new segment of consumers and I think that they may take significant share away from Sony.

Finally, I must say that I like the Time Capsule. I really see myself using it. I have been using .Mac’s Backup regularly to well, backup my data and I must say that it is a pain to have to connect an external drive to my laptop once a week to protect your data. The only problem is that I already have an Airport Extreme base station. That means that I would have to pay $399 for a 500GB disk. That is expensive. The decision will probably be much easier for those who are looking into upgrading their old 802.11b/g wireless routers.

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